
Webiik comes with advanced frontend environment based on:

Out of the box features:

Directory structure

Frontend related files have the following structure:

.. (this folder must be not accessible from the web)
├── private (this folder must be not accessible from the web)
|   └── frontend (templates and assets)
|       ├── assets (read the frontend docs in the basics)
|       |   ├── build (js build for client and server)
|       |   ├── components (UI components)
|       |   |   └── meow (React Meow World! component)
|       |   |       ├── meow.scss
|       |   |       └── meow.tsx
|       |   ├── font (css font files)
|       |   ├── img (images)
|       |   ├── js (js or ts files)
|       |   |   ├── _app.ts (app-wide TypeScript file included in webpack.config.js)
|       |   |   ├── home.ts (route related TypeScript file included in webpack.config.js)
|       |   |   ├── home-iso.ts (route related TypeScript file included in webpack.config.js)
|       |   |   └── screensize.ts (helper for frontend development included in _app.ts)
|       |   ├── scss (scss files)
|       |   |   ├── _app.scss (app-wide scss file included in app.ts)
|       |   |   └── home.scss (route related scss file included in home.ts)
|       |   ├── global.d.ts (global helper variable definition)
|       |   ├── package.json (NPM file)
|       |   ├── postcss.config.js (Webpack's postcss-loader config)
|       |   ├── tsconfig.json (TypeScript config)
|       |   └── webpack.config.js (Webpack config)
|       ├── _app.twig (base Twig template)
|       └── home.twig (route related Twig template)
└── public (this folder must be accessible from the web)
    └── assets (static files generated by Webpack)

How To Proceed When Building Frontend

1. Open the terminal and go to folder: private/frontend/assets

2. Install dependencies required for frontend development:

npm install

Maybe you will need to install npm.

3. In your editor, prepare Twig templates inside private/frontend:

This is standard Twig, no magic behind. If you don’t know what you are doing, read Twig docs.

4. Place your assets: JS(TS) files, images, fonts, CSS(SCSS) files, and React components into appropriate folders (see the directory structure above).

5. In your editor, open private/frontend/assets/webpack.config.js and add your assets to the entries object. Even if you don’t plan to use server side rendering, it’s a good idea to import your React components separately in iso files. Please, read comments within webpack.config.js for more details.

This is standard Webpack, no magic behind. If you don’t know what you are doing, read Webpack docs.

6. Build your files:

npm run dev